
Explore the Places in Kolad

About Kolad 


Kolad is a small vill and taluka in the Raigad quarter of Maharashtra, India. It lies on the banks of the Kundalika River, which is famed for its white water rafting. The area is girdled by lush green hills, denes, and falls. It’s a beautiful and serene place, and numerous excursionists come then to enjoy its natural prodigies. 


Kolad is located at the foothills of the Ghats, and is known for its cool climate and graphic geography. It’s a popular destination for adventure conditioning, similar as white water rafting, touring, and camping. The area is also home to several major tabernacles and castles, making it an ideal destination for artistic disquisition. 


Kolad is an ideal destination for nature suckers, as the area is girdled by lush green hills and denes, and multitudinous falls. The Kundalika River is a major magnet then and is known for its white water rafting. Several adventure companies offer to buoy passages through the swash, giving trippers the chance to witness a thrilling lift. 


 The area is also home to several tabernacles, castles, grottoes, and other literal monuments. The most prominent of these is the Dhom Dam, which is a 900- time-old levee erected by the great Maratha legionnaire king, Chhatrapati Shivaji. Other places of interest include the Kaivalyadham Temple, the Budhala Fort, and the notorious Vashi Shiv Temple. 


Kolad is also known for its vibrant culture and carnivals. The periodic Festival is celebrated in February and is known for its traditional performances, live music, and a variety of food booths. The Kolad Mela is another popular event, which is held in March and is attended by locals and excursionists likewise. 


Kolad is an ideal place to escape the hustle and bustle of megacity life. With its beautiful geographies, literal monuments, and vibrant culture, it’s a great destination for trippers seeking a peaceful flight. Whether you’re looking for adventure conditioning, artistic disquisition, or just a peaceful escape, This is the perfect place to stay.
