Guhaghar Beach

Explore the Places in Guhaghar Beach

About Guhaghar Beach


The village of Guhagar is said to have originated during the time of lord parashuram. ‘Guha’ means Karthikaswamy, so the reservoir guarded by Karthik Swami may have originated under the name Guhagar. Guhagar, which is just 4 to 5 hours away from Mumbai & Pune, is nature’s own dream. Due to many ancient temples, Guhagar is known as a temple village. There are many famous temples like Vyadeshwar, Velneshwar, Balkeshwar, Chandika Mandir, and many more.

Similarly, historical monuments like Gopalgad prove the antiquity of Guhagar. The Vashishti River of Guhagar is also a tourist attraction. However, what is most attractive to tourists is the vast coastline of Guhagar Beach. Guhagar has become a tourist spot for many years due to its excellent natural beauty. Many Indian & foreign tourists visits Guhagar every year.
